Contact Pastor Bimmy : [email protected]
Contact Pastor Billie : [email protected]
Joined CFA staff: 2013
Ministry and Work History: Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and 36 1/2 years in the Fire Service (retired)
Family: Billie (Married January 1972), Bryan (son) and Lessa (daughter-in-law), and Parker, Blake, Graham (grandchildren)
Greatest Experience in Life: other than marriage and the birth of my son and grandchildren, it would be riding in the Rocky Mountains with my wife on our motorcycle .
Greatest Experience with God: A ministry trip to Dubai 2015.
My Hero: My Dad
Favorite Quote: "Leaders are built not bought"
Wow, where to start....CFA is such an amazing place. The people, the atmosphere, the fun a nd the challenges make church here REAL! If you have yet to experience CFA, let me encourage you to stop by and you will join my WOW!!
--Pastor Bimmy
Ministry and Work History: Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and 36 1/2 years in the Fire Service (retired)
Family: Billie (Married January 1972), Bryan (son) and Lessa (daughter-in-law), and Parker, Blake, Graham (grandchildren)
Greatest Experience in Life: other than marriage and the birth of my son and grandchildren, it would be riding in the Rocky Mountains with my wife on our motorcycle .
Greatest Experience with God: A ministry trip to Dubai 2015.
My Hero: My Dad
Favorite Quote: "Leaders are built not bought"
Wow, where to start....CFA is such an amazing place. The people, the atmosphere, the fun a nd the challenges make church here REAL! If you have yet to experience CFA, let me encourage you to stop by and you will join my WOW!!
--Pastor Bimmy